man wearing a hat standing in front of a building street photography of a person, by efi logginou

From the Street A photography project by Efi Logginou

Berlin based artist Efi Logginou uses photography as a form or urban documentation and exploration of daily street life.

“I am an actress by profession. I only started photography about five years ago. The process of taking pictures allows me to explore the curiosity I have for other people with the same fervency as when I work as an actress. Acting and photography have common denominators: curiosity and observation. When I moved to Berlin, I had to understand and get use to both a different culture and a foreign language. Photography helped me to communicate and get closer. It was the key to adjust to a new life and each day the street would provide me with different experiences, each day I would discover new things.

I’m a permanent observer and the camera is my window to the outside world. On sunny days I like to experiment outdoor and photograph people in front of interesting buildings. On rainy days life mostly takes place indoor and I’m attentive to scenes happening inside cafés, restaurants, even cars. People become somehow separated from the street and The reflection of the glass window provides a surface connecting two worlds – Efi Logginou

– Efi is a member of InterCollective. Discover more of her work here

Open for entries

color portrait photo of a sadhu and monkey in Varanasi, India by Mahendra Bakle
© Mahendra Bakle
2025 Visual Story AWARD

Win $2700 Cash Awards & International Exposure

In February, we are looking for photographers who produce compelling narratives in a wide range of genres: portraiture, documentary, street, fine art, travel, and more – Enter today and show us YOUR stories!

  • Win $2700 in Cash Prizes
  • International Exhibition
  • +845k Instagram Feature
  • Free Online Portfolio
Submit Photos
Closing Soon
Deadline: 28 February 2025

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